Mänty Records is all about good feeling and finding new spaces within. Yoga teacher, musician, singer/songwriter, artist and mental coach at your service – book an amazing day at Malski creative studio or ask Saara to your event.

Saara Tallqvist

Musical & visual artist. Wellbeing coach.

A warm welcome to Lahti, Finland and to it's beautiful old brewery building Malski to create space for your body and mind through arts, music and movement. Book: +358401447925 / email: saara@mantyrecords.fi

Mänty Records is a creative studio at Lahti city center. The building Malski has a lot to offer, including Kahiwa caffe, Malva art museum, Ant brew bar & brewery and restaurant Malski bistro. To your day at Malski this creative studio elevates your spirit with music workshops, yoga, meditation, tarot-readings and personalized events. Studio is open on Thursdays and Saturdays, and other days as agreed. Events and price list below.